Premium Emoji Panels For Marquee Signs and Readerboards!


We are Colin, Greg & Chris, the founders of Marqueemojis.

Between the three of our family businesses we have served our local community for a combined 90+ years. Two of those businesses are retail stores that have a marquee sign out front that each have an iconic local following. The two of us wanted to have the look of our marquee evolve at a price that was palatable for a small business.LED signs are extremely expensive and were simply out of our budget and it was then Colin and Greg had the idea of making emoji sign inserts to speak to todays customer in what has become (emojis) a second language worldwide.

Enter our third partner Chris. Chris’s family has owned one of the most well respected sign companies on the first coast of Florida since 1998. Chris’s knowledge & expertise has enabled us to source out the finest materials at the lowest price as well as executing first class printing & production.
It is our promise from our families to you that we will provide you with a unique product with the highest quality service & made (in the USA) from the finest materials all at a price a business of any size can afford.